Why is healthcare investment so important?

Charities rely on investors and government fundingCharities rely on investors and government funding
Charities rely on investors and government funding
The healthcare industry relies on large investors as well as fundraising from the general public.

When many of us think about organisations and charities out there who are seeking cures for diseases, we immediately think of the fundraising they undertake. Many of these organisations could not continue to operate and provide support for those in need without funds – but how do they raise these?

While the monthly donation that you might make to a charity will make a difference, many of these charities rely on investors and government funding. Here, we are going to look at healthcare investment and why it is so important in 2020.

Donations are unpredictable

One of the main reasons that those operating in the healthcare industry rely so much on investment is that donations are unpredictable. The NHS cannot run on donations alone and many of the scientists searching out cures for diseases like cancer need to be paid for their work. Some employees will work as volunteers, but this cannot be expected of all people involved.

You would be wrong to assume that the donations made in charity boxes or by those doing charity events could keep these organisations running alone. This is why investment is key from both investors who can afford to inject cash and the government which has e a responsibility to fund these organisations.

Finding cures costs

There are some good reasons why we don’t already have cures for some of the most common illnesses in the UK. Finding cures takes both a lot of time and money and some aren’t even curable at this stage. Interestingly, investment in the healthcare industry has helped to cure corneal blindness. With the investment of some powerful people, this kind of cure is much more accessible, and more people are receiving the treatment that they need. Without this investment, the results wouldn’t have been so positive.

Evolving tech

Investments in the healthcare industry aren’t just about finding cures and treating those who need help. Many of the top investments in recent years have been in health-tech companies that are innovating the industry and making things a little easier to handle. Without investment from some of the top investors in the world, we would not be using AI to cut costs and time spent by doctors. This emerging technology improves the industry day by day and is vital for the future of healthcare around the world.


Investment in healthcare is something that should be on everyone’s mind. Without the right investments each year, some of the organisations within this industry could cease to exist. While we can all do what we can to donate and continue to fund healthcare charities and organisations, it ultimately comes down to those with the power and money to keep them running.

Healthcare investment affects cures, research and innovation. We need these investments to improve the industry one sector at a time.

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