Clean it up: Echo poll reveals the tough action you want to see over dog fouling in Sunderland

You had your say on the issue in an Echo poll.You had your say on the issue in an Echo poll.
You had your say on the issue in an Echo poll.

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More than 350 Echo readers have had their say about how dog fouling in Sunderland should be tackled.

More than a third (39%) of those who voted think on-the-spot fines for those caught not cleaning up would go a long way in combating the issue, while others (28%) have called for a greater number of bins on the streets. A quarter of voters want to see and more wardens to catch irresponsible owners and issue fines.

Data released earlier this month revealed that Sunderland City Council had issued only one fine for dog fouling in a one-year period, with opposition councillors calling for a "bigger push" against waste crimes on Wearside.

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The local authority has been backing a new environmental policy since 2017, and has pledged to continue investing in front-line environmental services and enforcement.

You got in touch on social media to cast your votes in our poll and share your ideas on how best to address the anti-social and irresponsible dog owners who do not clear up their mess.

Here is what you had to say on the Sunderland Echo Facebook page:

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We asked you what you would like to see happen to combat the issue.We asked you what you would like to see happen to combat the issue.
We asked you what you would like to see happen to combat the issue.

Doug Wrightson: " Yes fine dog owners who let their dogs mess & don’t clear it away. But why can’t these 'wardens' carry bags & scoops & pick up any they see lying. Same as litter 'enforcement' how hard would it be for them to carry a bin bag & pickup stick."

Anne Coyne: "My biggest bugbear is the people who bag their dog's poo then hang it on trees, throw it on the grass etc."

Julie Mclaughlin: "Not sure what can help, when you have two types of owners,first type, just let their dogs dirty anywhere and don't pick up, and the second type, that pick the dog's dirt up and then throw the bag to the left or right of them, letting it land anywhere, even in trees/bushes, where are the brains in that."

Keith Hood: "Wardens in general might be a good idea not just for dogs poo but littering, vandalism and other anti-social behaviour that goes on all the time in public places."

Eddy Elliott: "Massive fines and banned from keeping dogs."

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Joanna Ashton: "More wardens giving on spot fines out. I would happily do this job."

Nicola Kinnair: "I always pick up after my dog, it does my head in when people don't."

Margaret Francis: "We obviously cannot afford to employ dog wardens because of the expense. More publicity on TV may be the answer."

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Paula Clark: "More bins and naming and shaming those who don’t pick up. I’m ashamed when I walk my dog and see what other owners have left, everyone thinks we’re the same!"

Elizabeth Walker-hiles: "Something needs to be done. Dog wardens with on spot fines."

Karen Ramshaw: "More bins but the people who don’t pick it up are the nuisance."

Read More
Read more: Anger as only one fine issued for dog fouling during 2018/19

Shell Keeyyo: "Fine them! I hate the stuff on grass and the paths, and people just don't bother."

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Margaret Stockdale: "Dog poo bins are always overflowing,never emptied. I don't know what the answer is to stop these dog owners."

Julie Mackinnon Hardman: "Poor dogs living with irresponsible owners. I pick my dog poo up and bin it, if no bins I'll take it home. "

Dean Robson: "Education from a young age because most just don't have a clue and don't comprehend the term respect."