Appeal to find family of man whose body was found in the Panns Bank area of Sunderland

A body was found in the Panns Bank area of Sunderland./Photo: GoogleA body was found in the Panns Bank area of Sunderland./Photo: Google
A body was found in the Panns Bank area of Sunderland./Photo: Google
The body of a man was found in the Panns Bank area of Sunderland over the weekend.

Stewart John Ward, 41, was found deceased in the Panns Bank area of the city on Saturday, July 31.

It is believed that Mr Ward, 41, was of no fixed abode, and the Coroner is now seeking to get in touch with his family following his death.

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Mr Ward’s family members have been asked to contact Coroner’s Officer Vicky Ross on 0191 5617839 or email

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