Youngsters turn their sports day into Olympic Games

Pupils from Richard Avenue Primary School taking part in their Olympic event at Silksworth Sports Complex.
Tprch carriersPupils from Richard Avenue Primary School taking part in their Olympic event at Silksworth Sports Complex.
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Pupils from Richard Avenue Primary School taking part in their Olympic event at Silksworth Sports Complex. Tprch carriers
Youngsters at a Sunderland school held a sports day with a difference.

The children at Richard Avenue Primary School took their sports day to a higher level, turning it into a mini Olympics event.

To make the day extra special, the Key Stage 2 students went along to Silksworth Sports Complex and held their event on the running track.

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Pupils from Richard Avenue Primary School taking part in their Olympic event at Silksworth Sports Complex.
Torch carriersPupils from Richard Avenue Primary School taking part in their Olympic event at Silksworth Sports Complex.
Torch carriers
Pupils from Richard Avenue Primary School taking part in their Olympic event at Silksworth Sports Complex. Torch carriers

Simon Spoors, a teacher at the Hurstwood Road school, said everyone had a great day.

He said: “It was a really good day, the weather stayed fine, it only rained a little bit, but we were packing up them.

“We hold a sports day every year, but this year instead of doing it on the school field we decided to have it at the running track to make it a big event for the children.

“The children really, really enjoyed it and were amazed by the size of the track. It was a great way for them to get more of an understanding of the Olympic Games.

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Pupils from Richard Avenue Primary School taking part in their Olympic event at Silksworth Sports Complex.Pupils from Richard Avenue Primary School taking part in their Olympic event at Silksworth Sports Complex.
Pupils from Richard Avenue Primary School taking part in their Olympic event at Silksworth Sports Complex.

“I was already there when the children came around the corner and they looked amazed, especially the Year 3s who were saying things like ‘it’s a real track’.”

To add to the Olympic flavour each of the classes made their own flag and held a mini opening ceremony parade.

Every child who took part got a medal and the children took part in events such as sprinting, hurdles, long jump, triple jump, shot putt and javelin.

Through the event the children all got the Olympics bug and are looking forward to the games.